CUSTOM SIZES AND COLORS are available for all project planning. We can match any color. Custom rim widths and cleat heights are also available. Our planters are structural architectural planters ideal for space and weight restricted areas. All planters include pre-drilled drainage holes.


Custom crating for transport for extra large planters.


Cleating elevates the planter bottoms to ensure irrigation can flow through the floor to the drainage holes.


Cross-section sample of our Fiberglass with Solid Rim.


Our PET (polyethylene terephthalate) foam board supports span the perimeter of every planter, and some get additional to support the weight and length of the larger planters. Supports are fiberglassed into place to insure stability and durability.


All Circular planters over 32 Inches in diameter have supports. All planters have solid rims and drainage holes.


All our drainage holes are measured for Industry standards per square foot. The bottom of the planters are designed to tilt towards drainage holes.